Guitar Playing Karate Hero- Evan's Bar Mitzvah Portraits


The title of this blog is inspired by Andy Dwyer the Karate Chop Master of Parks and Recreation, but Evan is much more proficient at karate and a lot more intelligent. Of all my clientele I think the teenage boy is the absolute most uncomfortable with having their photo taken. Luckily I am more awkward than the teenage boy and they take pity on me.

Evan’s bar mitzvah was last year and we took portraits the fall prior. We focused on classic portraits and things Evan loves so this involved a trip to the studio where he takes guitar lessens and his dojo. The photos we did at the dojo were during class time and because of that we were able to get photos of him with his instructors and his teammates (is that what you say in karate?). I so enjoyed working with Evan and his absolutely lovely family! You can see images from his bar mitzvah here.